Faces & Places

We Are Washington Open House 2024

The "We Are Washington" Open House was held on August 3rd, 2024. The community came together to explore and take part in the programs available at the Washington Community Development Center.

We are Washington aims to assist community members in enhancing their quality of life by promoting awareness for both children and adults, as well as providing meals and other forms of assistance to families. This is achieved by utilizing the center as a central hub for hosting classes, programs, and community events.

Stepping Through Time 2024

The Texarkana Museums System hosted "Stepping Through Time," featuring Ms. Olivia Moore's personal designer shoe collection, at the Adopt-a-Shoe Fundraiser on Thursday, July 25, at St. James Episcopal Great Hall. This event honored the late Matriarch of the Ace of Clubs House. Guests enjoyed browsing her extensive shoe collection and had the opportunity to adopt a shoe of their choice. All proceeds support the restoration and renovation of the Ace of Clubs House.

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September 2024
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