Life & Style

Publisher's Letter

“It is so hot!” That is the only thing coming out of anyone’s mouth these days. I am counting down the hours until school starts back. We thrive in the routine, and it is too hot to keep these kids entertained any longer. My boys have attended two camps, played more holes of golf than I can count, stayed up late, and done all the summertime things. I am ready for them to return to school, reunite with friends, and get back to learning. … My oldest son will turn 12 this month and start middle school! I do not even know how this is possible. He is most excited about having a locker.

The Monthly Mix

Back-to-School Style—It seems like every year they start lining the shelves with school supplies earlier and earlier. As a teacher, I do not necessarily look forward to resetting that early morning alarm, but there is just something about a new school year beginning that presents so many opportunities! I love the excitement of a new outfit for the first day, purchasing new supplies, and getting back into a daily routine. Personally, I am a sucker for anything that makes my mornings smoother and more convenient.

If These Walls Could

photo by Matt Cornelius
What a Rush!They say we only get 18 summers with our kids. If that is the case, I have ten summers left with my daughter at home and 15 with the brothers. I realize that statement is not a fact, but I appreciate the awareness it has brought for me to soak up the days my family is all under one roof. One of these days, Lord willing, I will be packing cars full of boxes and sending my babies off to college. … High school was good to me. Really, all of my grade-level school was good.

Diamonds Are A Mom's Best Friend

When I was asked to write a story about being a traveling baseball mom, my mind exploded into many different memories. Over the past 15 years, I have been a travel ball mom for softball and baseball, and although both are very different, the sacrifice is the same. I can not put a number on the many miles we have traveled for practices, camps, and tournaments; the towns have blurred together along the way. And while the money we have spent is most definitely substantial, the relationships we have gained along this journey are more than a blessing.

Redwater Senior Perspective 2022

WOW, I did it! I am a high school graduate—a REAL ADULT! … But WAIT! How did I get here so fast, and what am I supposed to do now? … To answer these two questions, we will have to look back starting on March 7, 2004—the day the world became a better place because I was born (those are my Mom's words!) to today as I sit here reflecting on my school years. … I have spent 18 years guided by my parents, teachers, and mentors, and now I am expected to adult all on my own. That is scary and maybe even a little dangerous.

Dancing Through Life

Napoleon Hill once said, "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." One thing I can say about my dancing daughter is that it does not come naturally to her. She works extremely hard and continuously sets and surpasses goals for herself. As her Mom, sometimes I fear it is too much time, too much pressure, and too much demand on her little body. However, I know she is reaping many benefits from training with her dance family. … Reagan is nine years old.

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