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The Texarkana Children’s Advocacy Center … … 1203 Main Street … Texarkana, TX 75501 … 903-792-2215 … TCAC Program Director Missy Davison … MISSION … The Texarkana Children’s Advocacy Center is an umbrella program under CASA of Northeast Texas. The purpose of the Texarkana Children’s Advocacy Center (TCAC) is to provide a non-threatening environment for the investigation of child abuse.

Publisher's Letter

photo by Molly Kendrick
If someone had told the younger, teenage version of me I would one day be doing this, I probably would not have believed them. As a self-proclaimed country girl, growing up in Cass County, I was only familiar with the Pine Country Bulletin and The Citizen’s Journal. Nonetheless, I remember always taking the time to check out the local stories and photos published each week. Any vague plans I may have had to become a nurse would never have prospered as I have discovered needles scare me to death, and I have always had a mind that never stops dreaming of new ideas and stories to tell.

Dinner's REDI

PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? … This is a long-enduring paradox first proposed by philosophers in Ancient Greece to describe the problem of determining cause-and-effect. Today, it is still fun to ponder this age-old question. … Now consider a similar question as it relates to our regional economic viability. Which comes first, supply or demand? What does your gut tell you? … Traditionally home cooks have been serving up eggs for breakfast and pot roast for Sunday dinner. Yet in modern times we just read the menu and order what sounds good.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a wife, a mother of three, a former campaign manager, political advisor, Fox News contributor, and was the White House Press Secretary for two years under the Trump Administration. There’s even talk about the potential of a 2022 run for Governor of Arkansas in her future. … Her most recent endeavor adds “Author” to her resume. Speaking for Myself:

Renaissance Man

NEGATIVITY by Michael Ulmer
When we think about a Renaissance man, most of us think of those great men of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, whose brilliant plays and poetry we’ve studied in books and whose breathtaking works of art we’ve seen on chapel ceilings. Centuries later though, right here in the year 2020, you still occasionally run across those rare individuals who seem to become an expert at every task they set their hands to.

Let's Make A Deal

Political Column by Charles JordanCan we just face it? … President Donald Trump is a centennial figure who will be talked about by his detractors with annoyance, anger, and hatred for the foreseeable future, maybe even the rest of the century. They see him as racist, careless and incompetent in every way. To his supporters, the President is the no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is New York outsider who popularizes America, patriotism, and the American way while building the wall and wrestling the swamp.

A Sarine Thought… or Two

PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
Thanksgiving, Traditions, and the LikeNOVEMBER. A thirty-day month full of gratitude, joy and, for some, appropriately timed Christmas shopping. For me and my family, this month marks the beginning of a fairly complete transition to cooler weather, celebrating a wedding anniversary with my stud of a husband, continuing to watch PG and A&M football, being able to wear my UGGS in public with less self-awareness and my favorite American celebration: THANKSGIVING! … Thanksgiving has become our favorite holiday spent with the whole family, and we are all refreshed once it is over.

Say Yes to the Mask

PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
“I love your mask!” “I love yours too!” … My dermatologist and I greeted each other as she entered the exam room wearing a facemask by the same designer as the one I wore. … Hers, of course, was just for cosmetic purposes, and covered an N95 mask like most of the physicians wear. Mine was acting alone, but it did offer the added protection of a coffee filter between its layers.

Arkansas vs. Texas RIVALRY

Rivals for 110 years, it stands to reason that both sides of Texarkana’s State Line would agree, “Texas/Arkansas Week” is the most highly anticipated and spirit filled week of the whole school year for both Texas High and Arkansas High students and possibly even the entire cities of Texarkana. The traditions of frying bacon on the school lawn, chomping Tiger Tail doughnuts, stealing mascots, and driving down State Line with the Texas and Arkansas state flags unfurled and flying proudly from the beds of pick-up trucks

Hunter’s Paradise

Located in the middle of a hunter’s paradise right outside of Bradley, Arkansas and situated on the waterfront of Lake Erling, lies Belle Terre Hunting Estate. It is a one of a kind refuge and provides an incredible opportunity of solitude and outdoor sportsmanship for the Pruett family.

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