Sports & Entertainment

Batter Up

photo by Matt Cornelius
As Billy Beane questioned in the movie Moneyball, “How can you not be romantic about baseball?” We love going to the games. We love the atmosphere. … People go crazy over the players, the rules, the stadium and the food. But only a few pay attention to the mechanics that go into making the sport what it really is. Baseball is not all about natural talent; it is about the techniques perfected by the players after countless swings and after running plays repetitively over many years.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
Six things to do in May! … Each year as the month of May once again rears its head, I reminisce about the good old days when scratching the contacts right out of my itchy, painfully bloodshot, watery eyes was just another Monday at school for me.

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Texarkana Playlist

Check Out Our Texarkana Spotify Playlist! All these songs are written or performed by Texarkana area artists, produced by area artists or have Texarkana in the title or lyrics. Enjoy!






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