Sports & Entertainment

Talking Turkey

Your Preseason Guide To Hunting Texas’ Wiliest Game Bird … Courtesy of Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine … I scratch the wand across the slate call, and almost instantaneously, the tom turkey responds with a thundering gobble. For 30 minutes, we played a cat-and-mouse game of call and response. He gets closer each time. … Now, he’s 15 yards away. We are eye to eye. … In the shade, turkeys look dark and drab. In the sunlight, however, they shine with an iridescence not seen in many other Texas critters.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
As November unrolls its carpet of burnt orange and crispy leaves, it also brings forth the season of togetherness, reflection, and Thanksgiving. This month let’s slice through the pumpkin pie of our digital lives and savor the authenticity that often gets overshadowed by the whipped cream of egos and likes. … With the advent of smartphones and tablets, it seems we’ve all been handed tickets to a digital feast where the main course is carefully curated profiles, and dessert is full of sweet, addictive validation.

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July 2024
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Texarkana Playlist

Check Out Our Texarkana Spotify Playlist! All these songs are written or performed by Texarkana area artists, produced by area artists or have Texarkana in the title or lyrics. Enjoy!






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