Business & Politics

Wisdom and Rubies

photo by Matt Cornelius
Ah, April. Some believe the month is named for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, while others contend its name derived from the Latin verb aperio, “I open.” The poet Ovid wrote that “April was named from the open season, because spring opens all things.” His expectant reference to the first flowers of the season from which bees and butterflies begin to gather nectar is lost on this tax lawyer whose thoughts of something opening in April go no further than to a checkbook.

How My Office Can Help You

photo by House Creative Services
As you know, my job as your Congressman in Washington, D.C., is simply to serve you, to be your voice, and to be your vote as we work together to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Such a service can take on many different forms. It includes proposing legislation that addresses your concerns, voting in line with our values, advocating for you with my colleagues, ensuring transparency with frequent communication, and holding the federal government accountable.

Protecting the Community

photos by Matt Cornelius
Around the world, strong women are being called to lead their communities in service like never before. From the highest-ranking political offices to global companies on the cutting edge of technology—women are at the helm of it all. Standing on the shoulders of generations of women who came before, the role of women has bloomed to be inclusive of all things, at all times. … Texarkana has followed suit, empowering women across all industries and demographics by encouraging the strengths that women bring to the business environment.

Legal and Financial 2023

Behind every successful individual, you will likely find a trusted advisor—or team of them. For the best results, you need a professional managing legal and financial matters.

Professional experts inform you about your options, help you explore new ideas, and work with you to navigate the road ahead.

Dear Mrs. (Slightly) Sophisticated

I have a co-worker who always sends snarky emails when we have group projects. She is not my supervisor, nor is she a friend. What are the rules of email that we all should use? How do I respond to this? Dear Non-Confrontational Communicator, … Email should be treated like a face-to-face meeting. Never say anything in an email you would not say to someone in a face-to-face meeting. That being said, many people do not understand this rule. There are many basic rules to professional correspondence, but they all boil down to my first sentence.

Where the Wild Things Are

photos by Matt Cornelius
Many in Northeast Texas and Southwest Arkansas consider themselves animal lovers, but when you move beyond the realm of dogs, cats, and the occasional bird, you step beyond the day-to-day experiences of most in this area. It is hard to believe you are still in Bowie County when entering the property of Tara and Brian Whelchel in Redwater, Texas. The electric gate slowly opens revealing the beautiful hidden habitat of a multitude of exotic animals that somehow seem to be exactly where they were always meant to be, surrounding the Whelchel family’s newly built home.

An Even Greater Tomorrow

photo by Brooke Stone
Meet Texarkana, Texas Ward 5 City Council Member Libby White … Texarkana citizen Libby White recently filled the vacant Ward 5 Council seat in Texarkana, Texas. Libby and her husband, Brad, have lived in Ward 5 of Texarkana, Texas, since November 2009. Libby hopes to help lead Texarkana into an even greater tomorrow by serving on the city’s City Council. … After graduating from Pleasant Grove High School in 2003, White achieved a psychology degree from Texas A&M University-College Station.

The Legacy of the King Dream

As America prepares to mark in remembrance the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., let us do so with a sober, abstemious (self-disciplined) mind. National sentiments and emotions seem somber and saddened as we approach sixty years since the March on Washington and the momentous “I Have a Dream” speech. The logic and reasoning of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have outlived most hearers of his words that day in 1963, and they will continue to live on as an engrafted root of this great nation.

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