Life & Style

From Liquor To Living

PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
Circumstances have never been tilted in my favor, or so I always thought. … Even at a young age, I felt like the odd man out. I never felt I belonged and knew that I was somehow exceptional. Of course, it would take years to figure out exactly how I was unique, but I was unique none the less. I doubt my story differs much from thousands of others, but today I know that I have a voice that can help others know they are not alone. … I was born and raised right here in the Ark-La-Tex. Like many, I had a divided family.

Publisher's Letter

photo by Molly Kendrick
If someone had told the younger, teenage version of me I would one day be doing this, I probably would not have believed them. As a self-proclaimed country girl, growing up in Cass County, I was only familiar with the Pine Country Bulletin and The Citizen’s Journal. Nonetheless, I remember always taking the time to check out the local stories and photos published each week. Any vague plans I may have had to become a nurse would never have prospered as I have discovered needles scare me to death, and I have always had a mind that never stops dreaming of new ideas and stories to tell.

Say Yes to the Mask

PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
“I love your mask!” “I love yours too!” … My dermatologist and I greeted each other as she entered the exam room wearing a facemask by the same designer as the one I wore. … Hers, of course, was just for cosmetic purposes, and covered an N95 mask like most of the physicians wear. Mine was acting alone, but it did offer the added protection of a coffee filter between its layers.

Hunter’s Paradise

Located in the middle of a hunter’s paradise right outside of Bradley, Arkansas and situated on the waterfront of Lake Erling, lies Belle Terre Hunting Estate. It is a one of a kind refuge and provides an incredible opportunity of solitude and outdoor sportsmanship for the Pruett family.

The Life of a Funeral Director

People ask me every day why I became a funeral director. … My answer is always, “I didn’t choose it, it chose me.” I truly believe that this profession requires a calling by God and a compassion for people. I see funeral service as a ministry, one that began for me as a child. … When I was eight years old, I lost two grandparents suddenly within twelve days of each other. I remember vivid fragments from each death experience. From that time on, death intrigued me, and I regularly checked the obituaries as if I were an eighty-year-old woman looking for gossip.

Life On An Oil Rig

I started working offshore on oil and gas platforms nine years ago. … My title is “inspector” but that covers a wide variety of tasks that make up my job. In a nutshell, I inspect piping and vessels and anything else oil and gas flow through, using various inspection methods to ensure the safety of the components.

Life In The Shoes of A Bullfighter

Have you ever been to a rodeo? … If your answer is no, I highly recommend you add it to your bucket list of things to do. If you have been to a rodeo, I’m sure you’ve noticed the brave, yet possibly crazy guys who strap themselves onto the back of a raging bull to attempt an 8 second ride. … Somewhere in the chaos and clouds of dust are the individuals in the arena, called bullfighters, who go nearly unnoticed.

A Day In The Life

Hi, my name is Tammie Luthringer and I am a pelvic floor physical therapist. … What the heck is THAT, you ask? I am a physical therapist that focuses on the muscles of the pelvic floor. What it comes down to is, I focus on muscular problems related to bowel, bladder, and sexual health. Yikes!

Happy Good Neighbor Day

Good Neighbor Jessica Rich … What started out as providing basic photo booth decorations for Kindergarten Adventure at Pleasant Grove Elementary School almost seven years ago, has evolved into Jessica Rich becoming one of Pleasant Grove ISD’s most indispensable volunteers. Her passion and commitment to strengthening education has been an asset to Pleasant Grove, its students, and the community at large.

Showing: 341 to 350 of 368 (37 Pages)

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