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Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
Once upon a time, I was a carefree little boy, running around my backyard and making explosion noises with my mouth, pretending I was the star in an action movie—much like millions of other kids often do. I spent three-fourths of my childhood laying on the floor, intently staring at whatever movie my mom had popped into the VHS player for me. … Somewhere along my way, the lines began blurring between film and reality, and I started wondering why my life wasn’t playing out quite like those movies I obsessively watched. … In the movies, a peppy

Wearing Red on the Green

Freshman, Thomas Curry, playing for the 2023-2024 University of Arkansas Golf Team. photo courtesy of University of Arkansas Athletic Department
Thomas Curry closed his eyes on the first tee box to say a prayer before his first shot, just like he always had. When he opened his eyes, things were blurry. What suddenly came into focus was the hog on his chest; that was different. He looked around. He saw the trees, the fairway, and his parents watching from a distance. He took a breath. He grabbed his driver. It was go time. … Thomas Curry, son of Caroline and Dr. Andrew (Andy) Curry, is Texarkana’s golf protégé turned Arkansas Razorback after a decorated career at Texas High School.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
As I sat down to write my final article of 2023, deep in thought about what I wanted to say, I realized I could take the typical route. I could share the highs and lows of the year, all the lessons learned, or even complain about how another year has passed and I’m still not famous. I know, heartbreaking stuff. … In this thing we call life, it’s way too easy to get consumed by our own daily dramas. We find ourselves submerged in a culture that has made an absolute sport out of self-absorption. We numb and distract ourselves from life’s monotony and hardships with our plethora of vices.

Talking Turkey

Your Preseason Guide To Hunting Texas’ Wiliest Game Bird … Courtesy of Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine … I scratch the wand across the slate call, and almost instantaneously, the tom turkey responds with a thundering gobble. For 30 minutes, we played a cat-and-mouse game of call and response. He gets closer each time. … Now, he’s 15 yards away. We are eye to eye. … In the shade, turkeys look dark and drab. In the sunlight, however, they shine with an iridescence not seen in many other Texas critters.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
As November unrolls its carpet of burnt orange and crispy leaves, it also brings forth the season of togetherness, reflection, and Thanksgiving. This month let’s slice through the pumpkin pie of our digital lives and savor the authenticity that often gets overshadowed by the whipped cream of egos and likes. … With the advent of smartphones and tablets, it seems we’ve all been handed tickets to a digital feast where the main course is carefully curated profiles, and dessert is full of sweet, addictive validation.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
Ah, October—the month of crispy leaves, pumpkin patches, and Halloween costumes. It’s a time for spooky tales and candy-induced sugar comas. Or at least, that’s what it’s supposed to be. But apparently, someone forgot to inform the universe that October is not just the runway for December’s holiday extravaganza. … Let’s take a moment to collectively raise our eyebrows at the speed with which people shift from Halloween to Christmas these days. It’s like sprinting from your first bite of turkey to setting up Santa’s sleigh in the blink of an eye.

Let's Roll

photo courtesy of T.J. Coltharp
The Bringle Lake Wilderness trail is a loop trail that measures approximately five and a half miles long, perfect for biking, hiking, walking, jogging, and exploring! Along the paths are mountain bike trails that have been developed and maintained by citizen volunteers and city staff. Bringle Lake Trail is a “Top 25 Mountain Bike Trail in Texas,” according to … These trails range from beginner and intermediate to advanced within the Bringle Lake Park Wilderness Area. The best entrance is from Bringle Lake Park East.

Good Evening TXK September 2023

photo by Matt Cornelius
A home away from home is a location where one does not reside but feels as comfortable as they would in their own abode. When you think of your home away from home, maybe you think of your grandparent’s house. Maybe you think of a rented vacation home on the beach, a timeshare, or a cabin near a lake. … My home is a safe place. It’s where I know without a shadow of a doubt I can completely be myself without regard for what others will think, knowing I will be unconditionally loved by those around me, no matter what I do. So, my home away from home would have to match that same feeling.

Friday Night Lights

photo by Matt Cornelius
The air buzzes with excitement as crowds gather beneath the Friday night lights, eager to cheer for their school. No matter the differences that may exist between the students of Texarkana’s high schools, Friday night football games serve as a unifying force. … Despite high school football existing as early as 1870, and the founding of Texarkana occurring a mere three years later, high school football didn’t take root in the twin cities until the early 1900s.

Showing: 11 to 20 of 115 (12 Pages)

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July 2024
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Texarkana Playlist

Check Out Our Texarkana Spotify Playlist! All these songs are written or performed by Texarkana area artists, produced by area artists or have Texarkana in the title or lyrics. Enjoy!






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