Sports & Entertainment

In The Running

Kerry Ribble with Goodbye Earl. PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
The usual roar of the grandstands at Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort, formerly Oaklawn Park Race Track in Hot Springs, Arkansas, dulled to a deafening silence due to COVID-19 protocols near the end of last year’s racing season. While fans could not watch and cheer on the animals in person, the horses still ran and trained at the Hot Springs mainstay. … On Christmas of 2015, Kerry and Alan Ribble, owners of Ribble Farms, joined the fraternity of horse owners when Alan gifted Kerry a racehorse.

Ready? OK!

Dedication, athleticism, and poise... … Three words that come to mind when I think about cheerleading. The question is often asked, “Is cheerleading a sport?” If you have ever asked a cheerleader, you have no doubt gotten an earful. As a former cheerleader, former cheer coach and a current cheer mom, I have plenty to say and was really excited when Texarkana Monthly asked me to be a guest writer. … Did you know that cheerleading actually dates back to the late 1800s, and it was originally an all-male sport?

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PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
Six Things You Should Do in Texarkana During the Month of January!All I have to say is… good riddance, 2020! There’s nothing quite like turning to the brand spankin’ new first page of the next chapter. I’m usually more the type to roll my eyes when I hear people talking about “fresh starts” at the beginning of each new year, and don’t even get me started on the “new year, new me” people. But not this year. I too am holding onto the hope that things in 2021 will shape up to be better. If not, I’ll certainly be stretching to reach some type of clarity on why this has all happened.

Good Luck Black-Eyed Peas

A spicy version of a sourthern favorite, and you don't have to soak the peas! … 1 tablespoon olive oil … 1/4 cup finely chopped onion … 2 ounces country ham, chopped … 1 tablespoon minced garlic … 1 1/2 cups dried black-eyed peas … 1/4 teaspoon chili powder … 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin … 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper … 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes … 1/8 teaspoon ground coriander … 4 cups chicken stock … 1 teaspoon salt … freshly ground black pepper to taste … Heat oil in 2-quart heavy saucepan over high heat. Add onions and saute 1 minute.

Cheffrey's Tomato Basil Bisque

5 Roma tomatoes … 1/2 yellow onion, diced … 1 tablespoon garlic … 6 large basil leaves … Parmesan cheese, shredded … 1 tablespoon black pepper and kosher salt … 1 cup heavy cream … 2 cups tomato juice … 2 cups dried crusty French bread … In a pot, sweat onions with 1 tablespoon of oil for 1-2 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook 3/4 on medium heat. Add 2 cups tomato juice, basil, salt and pepper, garlic and crusty bread... Cook for 10-12 minutes on medium heat. Use a mixer to purée. Cook for 5 more minutes with heavy cream. Garnish with fresh basil and a little shredded Parmesan... Always taste.

Christmas Punch

If you can believe it, Christmas is ten days away. Say what!? I have no clue where the first two weeks of December went. … If you’re anything like me, you still have gifts to wrap, shopping to be done and maybe even need to put up your Christmas tree. Luckily, somehow everything seems to always magically come together in the end, leaving time to sit back and enjoy the festivities with a cocktail in hand. Here is a must try Christmas punch that can be enjoyed with or without alcohol!

Recipe of the Week

Mediterranean HalibutINGREDIENTS … 4 - 8 oz Halibut Filets … TOPPING … 3 - Tbsp Kalamata Olives … 3 - Tbsp Sundried Tomatoes … 6 - Tbsp Mayo … 2 - Garlic Cloves … ¼ tsp Dried Oregano … ¼ tsp Dried Dill … ½ tsp Coriander … 2 - Zested Lemons plus Juice of One … 1 - Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil … Salt and Pepper to taste … … METHOD … Preheat oven to 375 degrees. … Lightly pulse ingredients in food processor.

Family Matters

PHOTOS BY Molly Kendrick
“The Grove is a family. That is what sets us apart from a lot of schools.” … And that family has been extremely successful, winning two University Interscholastic League (UIL) Texas State Football Championships in the past three years. This year, the Hawks are state ranked and well on their way to making a fourth consecutive trip to AT&T Stadium for the UIL State Title game.

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PHOTO BY Molly Kendrick
Six Things You Should Do in Texarkana During the Month of December! … We’re headed towards winter, which officially begins December 21, and we’re inching closer and closer to the handful of holidays we get to (or HAVE to, and we’re dreading it) spend with our family. I know that I’m kind of looking forward to spending some extra quality time with the people I’ve been told to socially distance from all year! That doesn’t mean that all the family squabbling at the dinner table will subside, but this year we might actually enjoy the chance to disagree, as long as we’re together.

Arkansas vs. Texas RIVALRY

Rivals for 110 years, it stands to reason that both sides of Texarkana’s State Line would agree, “Texas/Arkansas Week” is the most highly anticipated and spirit filled week of the whole school year for both Texas High and Arkansas High students and possibly even the entire cities of Texarkana. The traditions of frying bacon on the school lawn, chomping Tiger Tail doughnuts, stealing mascots, and driving down State Line with the Texas and Arkansas state flags unfurled and flying proudly from the beds of pick-up trucks

Showing: 101 to 110 of 115 (12 Pages)

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July 2024
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Texarkana Playlist

Check Out Our Texarkana Spotify Playlist! All these songs are written or performed by Texarkana area artists, produced by area artists or have Texarkana in the title or lyrics. Enjoy!






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